Books I Read:
I only read 4 books last month...just 4! I can't believe it. Mostly because I started a lot of books and didn't finish them yet (because I was a major serial reader last month).
In September, I read and finished:
Isla & The Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins - LOVED this one. Such a lovely ending to series!
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas - LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this one too. Such an amazing series! I hope if you haven't started this series yet, then you will soon :D
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - I read this one in anticipation for the movie and I really enjoyed it. It was entertaining and so intriguing.
Fire in the Woods by Jennifer Eaton - I read this one for a blog tour and really enjoyed it. Check out my vlog review.
Some of my Favorite Posts around the Blogging Community:
Hannah over as So Obsessed With wrote a lovely post titled "To Thine Own Self Be True". Her post is about picking up books your interested in reading even though you find out that it has not-so-good reading. I've been victim of skipping out on a book because of the ratings on it aren't high enough...but I've also picked up some books and loved them even after finding out that they're ratings are lower. I loved that Hannah wrote about sticking to your guns and still reading those books you're interested in even when they may not have the best ratings.
Maggie over at Just a Couple More Pages wrote a great post about Independent Bookstores titled "Where Are All The Good Independent Bookstores?" While the post starts out with some disappointing service that Maggie received at one of her local independent bookstores, the post ends on a really nice note. I like that Maggie emphasizes her support of independent bookstores, as well as talking about some great ones that she has visited before. Love this post!
Ginger over at GReads! Books wrote a wonderful post titled "That Moment When You Hit a Reading Block..." As you can see I might have hit a reading block this past month since I only read 4 books. I love that Ginger talks about four different types of readers. I have to say that I'm a bit of all four types of readers. I'm a little bit of a late night reader, and I have the same problem some nights as Ginger where I only read about 10 pages before falling asleep. I'm also a little bit of a scheduled reader, making sure I do some reading while my son takes his nap during the day. But I also slip in being an Anytime Reader and a Sporadic Reader as well. I think she did such a great job talking and describing these different types of readers and I definitely related to this post!
Some New Shows I Started Watching (or dvr'd to start watching):
How To Get Away With Murder - The pilot sucked me in. I'm so excited to watch the second episode tomorrow night!
Gotham - I dvr'd this show and haven't started watching it yet, but I'm excited to see what this show is all about.
Selfie - I kept seeing commercials for this one over and over and figured WTH, I can just dvr it and see if I like it.
Manhatten Love Story - This one seemed pretty cute so I dvr'd it to see what happens. I haven't heard much about this one, so I'm looking forward to watching it.
What shows did you start (or continue) watching this month???
I also have to throw in that Gilmore Girls is on Netflix(!!!) I've been dying to watch this show from the very beginning through all the seasons so finally I can! So much excitement. I might not be getting much done this month... ;)
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