I feel like it took me way too long to jump on the podcast train. I started with one and then I started wanting to listen to them all the time. The very first one I listened to was Serial and I was addicted! I moved next to Lore which has become a favorite. I then stumbled into bookish ones and a few homeschool ones as well (I haven't mentioned before that I homeschool my kiddos!) Here are some that I have been enjoying lately...
What Should I Read Next? with Anne Bogel
I started listening to this podcast on a whim and then I didn't want to stop. I love listening to people talk about books. The way that this podcast works is so fun. Anne has a guest on where she asks them about books, three books they love, one they hate and what they're reading, and then based of those she recommends them three books they should try reading next. I have found some great book recommendations and love finding readers like me and relating to other readers throughout listening to the episodes.
Read-Aloud Revival
I found this one when listening to a homeschool podcast, and I'm so glad I did. This isn't directly a homeschool podcast, this is a podcast that talks all about reading and kids. Books you can read with your kids, books that kids may enjoy, etc. It has provided me with additional tools to help foster a love of reading with my kiddos, and find new and fun books to read with them.

My Favorite Murder
This may seem like a random choice, compared to the other two that I've talked about but I am fascinated with this one. The two women that run this are comedians which brings a little humor into talking about something that can get dark. I wasn't sure I was going to like this one but I listened to one episode and then jumped into another and then I couldn't stop listening.
Three podcasts that I want to check out...
Books with Jen
I have watched Jen's videos on youtube and I've really enjoyed her content. She has such great insight into good books. I could listen to her talk about books all day! I recently found this one and haven't given it a listen yet, but I'm so excited to dive in.
Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities
This is a new podcast by Aaron Mahnke who also creates Lore, which I love. The moment I heard about this one, I went and subscribed. I can't wait to give this a listen and I'm hoping that I love it as much as I love Lore.
I've heard this recommended many times as a good one to check out if you like Serial. I really was sucked into Serial and I've been searching for another podcast that's similar to it. I listened to one episode and I'm looking forward to listening to more.
Are there any podcasts that you would recommend? Please share your recommendations with me :)
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