February Reading Ideas

I really love seeing monthly tbrs. I'm always curious what people are planning to read or interested in reading. In the past, I've tried to do monthly tbrs but I'm such a mood reader that it has never worked out for me as I end up reading maybe one or two books on my tbr for the month. But I miss it.
When the month begins I always have some idea of what I want to read. So this month I thought I would try it out and post the books that I'm thinking of reading this month along with the books I definitely plan to read and then compare for myself what I end up reading.

Without further ado.. here are some books that I'm going to read/am thinking about reading this month:

A Darker Shade of Magic - I've decided to join in the #ADSOM readalong! So excited to finally be reading this one. I've already started it and I'm loving reading V Schwab's writing again.

The Love That Split the World - I've heard amazing things about this one so far. I'm craving a good romance and I'm hoping this will satisfy my craving. 

The Immortals Quartet (Wild Magic, Wolf-Speaker, Emperor Mage, The Realms of the Gods) - I'm hoping to read this quartet for my A Series A Month challenge. It would also count towards the Tamora Pierce Challenge that I signed up for. I read the Song of Lioness quartet last year and I'm stoked to read some more Tamora Pierce!

Captive Prince (and Prince's Gambit, book two) - These books have been eyeing me from my shelf and calling for me. I've heard great things about these books and I must know why!

What books are you hoping to read this month?


  1. I love your February TBR! I'm very excited for ADSOM and The Immortals trilogy, of course. I'm glad you're reading The Love That Split the Word so you can tell me what you think, haha. I actually just added Captive Prince to my TBR because Victoria Schwab read it and loved it, and some of my friends thought we should try it. I'm a little nervous, since it's a romance novel.


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