#slaythatseries Readathon TBR

There's a readathon going on this week hosted by booktubers Sara from SarawithoutanH and Chami from ReadLikeWildFire. I decided to jump in because there have been some series that I've been wanting to slay. The goal of the readathon is pretty simple, to slay any series you want to. You can marathon a whole series or finish up a series, or just catch up on series.

There are two series that I'm hoping to slay. My tbr is rather ambitious but I'm hoping to read as much as I can and see how far I get.

The first series I'm planning to slay is the Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce. 

When the readathon started yesterday, I had about 50 pages left in the second book in the series, The Hand of the Goddess. Next up I'll be starting The Woman Who Rides Like a Man and then finishing up with Lioness Rampant. I definitely want to finish these this week and I think I can for sure get through them. At least I'll slay one series I hope!

The next is another fantasy series, the Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima. 

The first book will be a re-read for me. I read it awhile ago and can't remember a single thing! So after finishing up the Song of the Lioness quartet, I'll be re-reading The Demon King and then hopefully getting through the rest of the series. I've heard they read pretty fast, so fingers crossed!

What series are you slaying or would like to slay?


  1. I liked the Song of the Lioness quartet, although it will never become one of my favourite series. I might have liked it way more, if I had read it when I was in still in high school. I'm not officially participating in the readathon because, frankly, I don't have the time right now. However, I'm currently reading End of Days by Susan Ee, so I can finally finish the series. Maybe that counts?


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