Top Ten Tuesday (6)

Hi! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's list was fun to do but was a little hard to come up with and it is:

Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book

1. Mythology- I am a huge fan of mythology so any book that has a mythology reference or re-telling is one that I will be interested in and potentially buy.

2. Dragons- I find that there aren't a lot of books about dragons and I find dragons fascinating and each story I read about dragons is unique.

3. Book or Bookstore related- Being that I love books, I cannot resist checking out a book that is about books or revolves around books.

4. Survival stories- This is kind of broad but I enjoy all types of survival stories. From trying to survive in a dystopian society to trying to survive a ship wreck, survival stories often catch my eye in the book department.

5. Vampires- I don't really know why I like reading about vampires but I find all the different variations of a vampire told in a book to be intriguing.

6. Werewolves/Shapeshifters- This is kind of the same reason as vampires. They are just fun to read about.

7. Ghosts- I have always loved reading and watching scary stories. Not all ghost stories are scary but I like reading about them since they are most debated about having a real-life existence or not.

8. Paranormal- I wanted to include this for all those paranormal topics that are not covered by above. There are so many things paranormal that make some great books and they always catch my eye in the bookstore.

9. Love Stories- This topic is very broad as well but a potential love story gets me to pick up a book and read the synopsis. If the love story sounds unique enough than I'm in.

10. A location I know of or enjoy reading about- I live in Minnesota and when I read that a book takes place in Minnesota it automatically gets added to my shelves. Also I love Seattle and the state of Washington so if any books are set there than I am likely to pick them up as well.


  1. Great list! I totally forgot the topic of books & bookstore-related, those are always fun to read :)

    My TTT

  2. #3 is on my list as well. I guess it makes sense that book lovers would love reading about books/bookstores, huh?

    Happy TTT!

  3. Yes to mythology, books about books or bookstores, and some good old love stories. Great list!
    Here's my TTT

  4. Mythology and werewolves/shapeshifters are at the top of my list. ;)


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